

Teupasenti, Honduras

June 18-24, 2024


COST: $2,250

Cost of trip covers: 
All lodging, meals, water, transport, activities, supplies, travel insurance, and airfare to/from the destination. 

Cost does not cover: 
Any/all personal expenses, souvenirs, donations, vaccines, passports, visas, or transport to/from Orlando airport.

*Application due February 26, 2024

Leaders: Pastor John & Kathryn Evans

Partner: Children’s Cup


On this trip, you will live in dormitory-style accommodations, enjoy family-style meals, minister to local children and families through home visits, prepare and serve meals, play games, lead “kids club” activities, and attend worship services. You may be asked to pray, share your testimony, or use your gifts in other ways to minister to the children and adults of Teupasenti at any time throughout the trip. 


Children’s Cup is committed to equipping local churches to transform communities through holistic child development. They have a simple strategy that focuses on providing the necessities: food, water, and medical care. They provide the life skills needed to thrive: education, discipleship, and economic principles. But, most of all, they provide children with an opportunity to learn about Jesus Christ. We will be visiting and serving at their Care Points, where local children and families are cared for.