Our prayer in Action Kids is that through age appropriate teaching, worship, activities and small groups, your kids will fall in love with Jesus and develop their own personal relationship with Him. Each week our goal is that kids leave knowing that God loves them, we believe in them, and church is fun!

Checking into Action Kids for the first time? We can't wait to have you join us. To make your first visit as smooth as possible, please pre-register using the link below. Once you arrive, head to our Assisted Check-In area, where our team will help you get settled and ensure your family feels right at home. We can’t wait to meet you!

The safety of all children in Action Kids is our number one priority. In addition to a secure check-in process, every A-Teamer and Staff Member undergoes a background check and thorough orientation process prior to serving.
We work together with parents to help teach their children our core values. Our goal is to partner with families by giving them resources to spark conversation that will help develop future leaders and disciples of Jesus.
We encourage A-Teamers to serve the same service in the same classroom on a consistent basis. This helps to create an environment that will allow you to develop deeper relationships with children and fellow team members. At Action Church, we believe that true life change happens in the context of relationships.
Teaching children the love of Jesus in a safe and secure environment is our primary focus, but you can also expect to see and hear a lot of worship, games, and laughing! It is a big win for us when children leave Action Kids asking their parents when they can come back.

Child Dedication
Throughout the New Testament, the Bible talks about baptism as an outward expression of an inner decision made to follow Jesus. In the Bible, we see that Jesus' parents dedicated Him to the Lord (Luke 2:22-40), then He was later baptized as an adult (Matthew 3:16-17).
No one has greater potential to impact a child’s spiritual development than their parents. Proverbs 22:6 says: “Train up a child in the way he should go; and when he is old, he will not depart from it.”
At Action Church, the dedication ceremony is intended to be a commitment between parents and God on behalf of their child. Parents are promising to raise their children in the faith until they are old enough to make their own personal decision to follow Christ.
Water Baptism
We are excited that you are considering baptism for your child. Our hope is that through Action Kids your child will discover who Jesus is and develop a personal relationship with Him.
We advise parents to wait until their child is asking to be water baptized. This is usually a good indicator that they are ready and understand the significance of this spiritual milestone. While children under the age of seven can have a relationship with Jesus, they will not necessarily remember or understand the significance of water baptism, so we encourage parents to wait for baptisms until they are a little older.
As you are having conversations with your child or gauging if they are ready to be water baptized, we encourage you to use this guide as a discussion starter.
Through 12 biblical truths, Hyfi guides kids and students to learn who they are because of who Christ is. Every session provides biblically sound content with a clear picture of Jesus and the gospel