Ready to learn more about Action Church?


We are so proud of you for taking your next step! Action Steps is a 2-week experience that will help you grow in your relationship with God by connecting to the church through membership and discovering the individual strengths and gifts God has given you so you can use them to make a difference in the lives of others.


> Step 1 - Belong

Being a Christian is more than simply believing God exists; God wants us to belong to a family. The family of God is the local church and the only way we belong to that family is by connecting to a local church. Action Step One introduces you to Action Church and helps you find out how to connect and belong to our family.

> Step 2 - Become

God designed us on purpose. When we know that purpose, we can become the person God has designed us to be. Action Step Two explores the details of your personality, helps you discover the gifts God has given you, and enables you to see how your design reveals the purpose God has for your life.

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